Students benefit when parents and schools work together. Parents play an important role in providing support and building the confidence of their children.
- Quicklinks
- Informational Resources
- Instructional Resources
- District E-Flyers
- Online Student Registration
- Broncho NextGen 1:1 Digital Initiative
- LSC Library List
Informational Resources
- Bus Information
- Transfer Policies
- It's My Closet
- College and Career
- Student Handbook
- Homeless Students
- School Supply List
- Health Services
Bus Information
Transfer Policies
Out of District Transfer Policy
Thank you for your interest in the Lafayette School Corporation!
To be a student in the Lafayette School Corporation (LSC), the student must:
1) have legal residence within the boundaries of the LSC, or
2) be the child of an LSC employee, or
3) have legal residence within the boundaries of the Tippecanoe School Corporation (TSC) district and apply for transfer under the Interlocal Agreement between the LSC and TSC. The Interlocal Agreement applies to transfers into LSC only.
Per Board Policy J215 Cash Transfer Tuition, an employee of the LSC may elect to enroll their child in the LSC at no cost to the employee. If you are an LSC employee and your legal residence is not within the LSC boundaries, but want your child to attend school in the LSC, you must complete an Employee Request to Enroll Cash Transfer Tuition Student form.
If you are not an LSC employee and your legal residence is in the TSC district, and want to apply for a transfer into the LSC for your child, you must complete a Transfer Request Application and submit the form to the Superintendent in TSC. After the TSC Superintendent takes action on your request, it will be forwarded to the LSC Superintendent for consideration.
Transfer Policies within LSC
Each student shall be assigned to the elementary school in the attendance area in which the student resides. For the purposes of school attendance, the residence of a student shall be considered to be the voting residence of the student's parents or legal guardian. Upon enrollment, parents will be asked to provide proof of residency in Lafayette School Corporation. The documentation will be verified by the school principal or his/her designee.
Those students who do not live in Lafayette School Corporation will be unable to enroll without an approved tuition transfer from another district. Elementary students who have been approved to attend a school other than the school in their home attendance district must successfully comply with all LSC elementary student handbook policies and procedures. Failure to do so may result in the student being assigned back to their home school.
The elementary student who moves out of the LSC may complete the semester before being required to transfer. Transfers within LSC during the school year are strongly discouraged except under extreme circumstances.
Moving to another school
If a student plans to move to another school attendance area within the Lafayette School Corporation the parents should call the office during the school year as soon as they know the move will take place. -
Transfer Request
For information regarding requested transfers to another LSC school please check Board Policy J 220 . Transfer forms may be obtained at a student’s home school office.
It's My Closet
In December 2005, Jefferson High School opened a store called It’s My Closet. The philosophy behind the store serves to enhance the concept of nurturing the whole child within the LSC mission statement. The store, specializing in gently used clothing, furniture and household items, is open to all LSC students and their families. All items are given to shoppers at no cost.
The store and donation center are located in portable classrooms behind Durgan School, at 18th Street and Hiatt Drive. Lafayette School Corp. donates the use of the buildings and also pays the utilities. All workers are volunteers; no one is paid for their time or donations.
En diciembre de 2005, la escuela secundaria Jefferson abrió una tienda llamada It’s My Closet. La filosofía detrás de la tienda es cooperar con el concepto de crianza integral del niño dentro de la declaración de misión de LSC. La tienda, que se especializa en ropa, muebles y artículos para el hogar en buen estado, está abierta a todos los estudiantes de LSC y sus familias. Todos los artículos se entregan a los clientes sin costo alguno.
La tienda y el centro de donaciones están ubicados en aulas portátiles detrás de la escuela Durgan, ubicada en la calle 18th y Hiatt Drive. La Corporación Escolar Lafayette facilita uno de sus edificios y también paga los servicios básicos en los que se incurren. Todos los trabajadores son voluntarios; a nadie se le paga por su tiempo o donaciones.
Closet Calendar
For more information, contact Ms Gilbert or Donna Osborn at
College and Career
Valuable college and career information found in the links below.
21st Century Scholar
Student Handbook
Please click on the links below to view or download the student handbooks:
Elementary Student Handbook
Manual de escuela primaria
Sunnyside Intermediate School Handbook
Tecumseh Junior High Student Handbook
Jefferson High School Student Handbook
Oakland Academy Handbook
Homeless Students
McKinney-Vento Act
After receiving reports that up to 50% of homeless children were not attending school, Congress established the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. President Ronald Regan signed it into law on July 22, 1987. The McKinney-Vento Act was created with the goal of ensuring the enrollment, attendance, and success of homeless children and youth in school. It provides states with funding to help remove barriers to education.
Who is Homeless?
Children who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate night time residence:
- "Double up" - Sharing the housing of others due to the loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reasons.
- Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, camping grounds, due to lack of adequate alternative accommodations.
- Living in emergency or transitional shelters.
- Living in a public or private place not designed for humans to live.
- Migratory children living in above circumstances.
- Awaiting foster care placement.
- Living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings.
- Unaccompanied Youth - Children or youth who meets the definition of homeless and not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian.
Residency and Educational Rights
Students who are in temporary, inadequate and homeless living situations have the following rights:
- Immediate enrollment in the school they last attended or the school in whose attendance area they are currently staying even if they do not have all of the documents normally required at the time of enrollment;
- Access to free meals and textbooks, Title I and other educational programs and other comparable services including transportation;
- Attendance in the same classes and activities that students in other living situations also participate in without fear of being separated or treated differently due to their housing situations.
McKinney-Vento Homeless Student Contact for Lafayette School Corporation: Mrs. Mandy Fisher, Director of Student Services, 765-771-6000,
McKinney-Vento Homeless Student Contact for IDOE: Flora Jones, Director of Student Pathways & Opportunities and Charie Gibson, Homeless Education Specialist, 317-232-0587,
IDOE's McKinney-Vento: Homeless Children & Youth Program Website
McKinney Vento State and Federal Resources
A Parent's Guide to the Rights of Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness
INEHCY-Homeless Poster Parent-ENGLISH.pdf
INEHCY-Homeless Poster Youth-ENGLISH.pdf
McKinney Vento District Plan
School Supply List
Health Services
Instructional Resources
Website | Age Level | Brief Description |
Syvum | 1st-8th grade | Learn arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and other math skills. Lessons and activities on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as well as advanced topics such as algebra and trigonometry. Also given are links to our interactive math puzzles! |
Teaching Channel | All ages | Teaching Channel is a thriving online community where teachers can watch, share, and learn diverse techniques to help every student grow. |
That's Math | K-12 | Easy, stress-free parent involvement activities that work in your busy life! |
Wolfram Alpha | All Ages | Wolfram|Alpha's long-term goal is to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable and accessible to everyone. |
Word Problems for Kids | 5th-12th | This Web Site contains word problems for students and teachers. The problems are classified into grade levels from Grade 5 to Grade 12. THIS IS NOT A TEST, but a set of carefully selected problems which can help you improve your problem solving skills -if you try to carefully think about how you would solve each problem, and once you have found the solution, you make sure that you understand all parts of the solution. You can try any problem you like and if the problem is a little difficult you can get helpful hints by following the hints link. |
Math and Money for Kids | These resources cover the essential concepts of finance in a way that kids can understand, and even have fun with. Find games, activities and printouts on saving, earning, borrowing, and more in this guide. |
District E-Flyers
The Lafayette School Corporation will launch an electronic flyer communications tool called “Peachjar” beginning November 20, 2018. This E-flyer dissemination service via Peachjar will be the only means for community organizations to share their information concerning programs, activities, and events with Lafayette School Corporation students and/or parents.
E-mails will be sent to community organizations soon informing them how to use the Peachjar service. Community organizations which do not solicit fees for their services may be allowed to display E-flyers for free, while other community organizations will be charged a fee by Peachjar for this service. Typically, Peachjar officials noted that these fees are usually much less than the cost to print, copy, and deliver flyers. To learn more about Peachjar, visit
Lafayette School Corporation officials will continue to review all flyers submitted to Peachjar to be displayed on the LSC websites for viewing by our students and parents. Lafayette School Corporation will approve E-flyers that promote an educational experience for our students, provide a healthy use of the students’ leisure time, and/or provides enrichment activities for our students.
To ensure timely posting, E-flyers should be uploaded for approval a minimum of 10 business days in advance of the event.
Submission Guidelines
Informational materials to be distributed via Peachjar by community organizations must meet certain criteria to prevent the exploitation of Lafayette School Corporation students. As such, the Lafayette School Corporation will NOT approve the distribution of E-flyers which:
- Are deemed not suitable for children
- Disrupt the educational process
- Are obscene, lewd, or vulgar
- Are libelous
- Contain language that is intimidating, demeaning, harassing, or threatening on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin or ancestry, sex, age, and disability; or language including, but not limited to, racial, sexual, or ethnic slurs
- Promote a business or commercial product
- Promote, or are hostile to, a particular political party, political organization, or political viewpoint
- Promote, or are hostile to, any religion; however, informational material of events and/or activities by religious organizations will not be denied if the material complies with other guidelines… and does proselytize (attempt to convert or ask to join) that religion
NOTE: These guidelines may be updated periodically to reflect changes in State and Federal laws, as well as changes in community standards!
E-flyer design information
E-flyer information is limited to a basic description of the event/activity/service, along with Time/Date/Place/Contact Person/Telephone number or Email Address. E-flyers may not list prices for events in the body of the flyer, but can link to such information through a Peachjar button that will allow families to contact community organizations with any questions and/or to register their children for an event if they so choose.
Each E-flyer will be reviewed on an individual basis. A decision not to post a community organization’s information is not to be considered disapproval of the activity/event; but rather, a decision based on the best interests of the Lafayette School Corporation and its students and/or parents. If applicable, Lafayette School Corporation officials will share the reasons for rejection, as well as what changes can be made to meet corporation guidelines.
ALL E-flyers MUST include the following disclaimer:
“This event and/or activity is neither sponsored, nor endorsed, by the Lafayette School Corporation.”
Questions should be directed to Brandon Hawkins, Lafayette School Corporation,
Online Student Registration
Returning Students
If your student completed the Previous School Year at any LSC School Click Here.
Please have access to student medical and emergency contact information. This information will be needed to complete the online registration forms.
New Student Registration
Students New to LSC Parent Information
- Review the school boundaries: LSC Elementary School Boundaries
- Decide which school serves your address. To register for the 2023-24 school year, contact your home school or plan to attend onsite registration at your school on July 27 (noon-7 p.m.) or July 28 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.). If your child lives in the Oakland Elementary area, the onsite registration dates will be July 18 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.) and July 19 (noon-7 p.m.).
- Review the information from the link below to ensure that you have needed documents.
New Student School Registration Checklist
- If your school has provided you with a user name and password, click on the following link to complete the registration process:
Jefferson High School | 765-772-4700 |
Tecumseh Jr High School | 765-772-4750 |
Sunnyside Intermediate School | 765-771-6100 |
Earhart Elementary School | 765-772-4740 |
Edgelea Elementary School | 765-772-4780 |
Glen Acres Elementary School | 765-771-6150 |
Miami Elementary School | 765-772-4800 |
Miller Elementary School | 765-476-2930 |
Murdock Elementary School | 765-772-6120 |
Oakland Elementary School | 765-771-6130 |
Vinton Elementary School | 765-771-6140 |
Broncho NextGen 1:1 Digital Initiative
As we educate the next generation of leaders, Lafayette School Corporation strives to provide students with opportunities that will prepare them for the future. Lafayette School Corporation’s 1:1 initiative has allowed a transformation in the way its students learn and interact with concepts and curriculum. With the integration of technology, students have greater opportunities to think critically and creatively, work collaboratively, and be engaged in active and adaptive learning experiences helping them to become college and career ready.
Benefits of the LSC 1:1 Initiative |
E-Learning Resources - Elementary | |
Connecting iPad to Internet Guide - Wifi and VPN | |
Using ClassLink from Home | |
How Students Sign In to Showbie | |
Parent Resources | |
Jefferson High School Student Device Information | |
Tecumseh Jr High School Device Information | |
K-6 1:1 iPad User Agreement |